New Chapter

Created by samantha 13 years ago
James was my 4th child and he was sadly lost as a result of a miscarrige at almost 8 weeks into my pregnancy, to this day I find it so hard to cope with. I just had a mothers feeling that he was a little boy, as his mummy I believe you can just sense these things, and so his name is James after his daddies dad his grandad. I think the fact not having any answers into what happened makes it all the more hard for me personally to deal with. It is so hard not being able to share any of his firsts, and not getting to see his beautiful little face, and smelling his lovely newborn smell. We just miss the baby that never was. Even though We know that he waits for us in heaven and one sweet day we will get to meet our sweet little prince. James now has a new baby sister named Angel-Grace, I am sure that my special little man looks after all of his brothers & sisters, especially our princess Angel-Grace. Until that special day sleep well my little prince.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx